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Jonathan Mackey > Miscellaneous

Miscellaneous computing stuff that I keep forgetting...

Miscellaneous topics...

SSH tips

  • ssh config file Here is an example config file in ~/.ssh/config:

      Host *
              ServerAliveInterval 60
            Host gateway
              User uname1
            Host remote
              ProxyJump gateway
              User uname2
    The first two lines set the computer to send a keep-alive signal every 60 seconds to the remote host. This can be useful if the remote computer keeps disconnecting you.
    The second entry creates an alias for logging in to with username uname1. This means that instead of typing
    you can just type
    ssh gateway
    This is nice, but then the third entry is where it gets really useful. This is for a computer called remote that is behind a firewall and can only be accessed through gateway. Usually we would have to type in something like:
    ssh -XY -t "ssh -XY -t bash"
    With the ssh config file, however, you can just type:
    ssh -XY remote
    and it is equivalent to the previous command. If you need to use a non-standard ssh port, then you can specify a different port number.
    See this tutorial for further details.
  • Setting up a tunnel back to the local machine This is useful if you connect to a computer that doesn't allow any outgoing ssh connections to the outside world (only incoming connections). When you login to the remote computer (, username remoteuser), you can open a tunnel to the local computer (, username localuser, port 1234) as follows:

    ssh -XY -l remoteuser -R
    Once you are logged in to the remote computer, you can connect back to the local computer using:
    ssh localuser@localhost:22424
  • using FUSE to mount remote filesystems SSHFS is a nice package for accessing remote filesystems on a local computer. You can install it (on debian/ubuntu linux) with

    aptitude install sshfs
    This will also install fuse, which is what does most of the work.
    First choose where you want to mount the filesystem, and create a directory. I do this as root, but then change the owner of the mount directory to the user, here "jm". You also need to add jm to the fuse group, so that jm has permission to mount remote filesystems
      mkdir /mnt/remote
            chown jm:users /mnt/remote/
            adduser jm fuse
    Then you can mount the remote filesystem (, username remoteuser) as local user jm with:
      sshfs -o idmap=user /mnt/remote/
    The command idmap=user maps the remoteuser to jm, so that it looks like jm owns all the files. The remote filesystem can be unmounted with the command:
      fusermount -u /mnt/remote/

    There are lots of online tutorials for this, especially to help with permissions, username mapping, and fuse: Ubuntu help, SSHFS on github,

Shell scripts

  • Deleting text between two identifiers in a file (found here), which can be useful for generating clean source code without all of the debugging ifdefs.
    sed '/\#ifdef DEBUGGING/,/\#endif/d' file.cpp > output.cpp
    This can of course get confused if you have nested ifdefs...
  • Replace text in a variable: If FILE=hello.png is a PNG image, and you want to convert to an image called hello.eps, then you can do this:
    IMGFILE=`echo $FILE | sed 's/png/eps/'`
          convert $FILE eps3:$IMGFILE
  • Fixed number of digits in a filename: If you are generating a sequence of files, and want them numbered with a counter with exactly N digits, you can use this:
          $ BASE=myfilename
          $ for i in `seq 0 10`; do
          >   FILE=`printf "%s_%03d.tif" $BASE $i`; echo $FILE
          > done
  • Multiplying floating point numbers: unfortunately bash and other shell scripts can only do integer arithmetic, so for floating point operations you need to use another tool, such as 'bc'. The following line divides 10 by 3.0 using 'bc'; the 'scale=2' command indicates the calculation should be performed to at least two decimal places.
    $ ii=10; FLT=$(echo "scale=2; $ii/3.0" | bc); echo $FLT


Imagemagick is a very useful tool for converting figures between formats, cropping borders, shrinking images, etc., and it has a command-line interface so you can put it in scripts. Here are some examples I find useful (most of them taken from the imagemagick website examples).
  • Convert eps to jpeg (I think density is dots-per-inch, and quality is the jpeg quality flag; density is most important for figures):
          $ convert -density 300 -quality 100 file.eps file.jpeg
          $ convert -geometry 568x256 -density 300 -quality 100 image.eps image.jpeg
    The geometry tag sets the size of the output image, and I think it's a good idea to set it to be a multiple or fraction of the eps bounding box (from `head image.eps | grep BoundingBox'). The default (I think) is to set them to be the same.
  • Crop an image: the first two numbers are the number of pixels in the output, and the last two are the x and y offsets from the top left corner to start the cropping from. Putting an exclamation mark at the end of the geometry item resets the new image origin to the top left corner of the new image (otherwise it stays relative to the old one!).
          $ convert -crop 955x325+175+225 input_file.tif output_file.tif
          $ convert -crop 955x325+175+225! input_file.tif output_file.tif
  • Annotate an image: pointsize refers to the size of the text; annotate gives the offsets from the top left (of the original image if you cropped it!) to start writing, and the text is in single quotes.
          $ convert input_file.tif -pointsize 20 -annotate +250+275 \
           'this is an annotation' output_file.tif
  • Make an image smaller (by resampling):
    convert terminal.gif -resize 50% half_terminal.gif
  • Draw a line with a certain thickness (coordinates are from the top left in pixels, and refer to the start and end of the line).
          convert source_file.gif -stroke white -strokewidth 3 -draw 'line 20,20 20,80' output_file.gif
  • Draw two arrows: The following lines generate two coordinate axes, with X as horizontal and Z as vertical. The background is white and the foreground is black, although they can of course be changed. The idea is to draw a line, put an arrowhead on the end of it, and position an axis label off the end of each arrow. Positions are measured from the top left by Imagemagick, and positive rotations are in degrees from the X-axis. The triad is then merged onto a figure twice (i.e. in two places) using the "composite" command, which I think is another command-line tool from ImageMagick. It's not a very stylish figure, but it shows what can be done if required.
          arrow_head="path 'M 0,0  l -15,-5  +5,+5  -5,+5  +15,-5 z'"
          convert -size 275x275 xc:white temp.gif
          convert -size 800x800 xc:green Background.eps
          convert temp.gif -stroke black -strokewidth 10 -draw 'line 30,245 30,075' temp.gif
          convert temp.gif -draw "stroke black fill black translate 30,065 rotate -90 scale 3.5,3.5 $arrow_head " temp.gif
          convert temp.gif -pointsize 72 -font "Times-Roman" -fill black -annotate +9+63 "Z" temp.gif
          convert temp.gif -stroke black -strokewidth 10 -draw 'line 25,245 200,245' temp.gif
          convert temp.gif -draw "stroke black fill black translate 210,245 rotate  0 scale 3.5,3.5 $arrow_head " temp.gif
          convert temp.gif -pointsize 72 -font "Times-Roman" -fill black -annotate +215+270 "X" temp.gif
          convert temp.gif -resize 100x100 eps3:triadXZ_f2.eps
          mv temp.gif axes_triad_XpZp.gif
          composite -geometry +10+575 triadXZ_f2.eps Background.eps temp_fig2.eps
          composite -geometry +10+263 triadXZ_f2.eps temp_fig2.eps temp2_fig2.eps

Unix Commands

  • Concatenate pdf files (found here):
    gs -q -sPAPERSIZE=a4 -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=output.pdf file1.pdf file2.pdf [...] lastfile.pdf
  • Delete files with zero size (found here):
    find -maxdepth 1 -type f -size 0 -print0 | xargs -0 rm -f
  • Delete files matching a pattern (e.g. file extension) (found here):
    find . -type f -name "FILE-TO-FIND" -exec rm -f {} \;


  • \mathbf{} makes normal bold-face Roman characters, and doesn't allow italics by default. So to get bold italic math characters you can include the following:
  • Need the LaTeX name for a symbol, but can't remember it? Draw it here and get the LaTeX code!
  • Need many sub-figures as part of a single large figure, on multiple pages? Use the subfig class and \ContinuedFloat e.g.
    % HEADER
      \caption{this is the caption. \label{fig:fig1}}
      \caption{This is the caption (again).}
  • Package for striking through text with a horizontal line: ulem.
    \sout{Hello World}
  • Euro symbol:
  • Nicer fonts:
  • Less indent and line-spacing in numbered and bullet-point lists:
    \item text
  • Wrapfig package messing up with page borders? Put the text and figure in a minipage.


  • Solar mass symbol in Gnuplot (adapted from this discussion):
    gnuplot> set terminal postscript enhanced color eps font "Times,16" \
      fontfile "/usr/share/texmf-texlive/fonts/type1/public/amsfonts/cm/cmsy10.pfb"
    gnuplot> set label 1 "{/CMSY10 \014}" at 0,0
    gnuplot> set out "test.eps"
    gnuplot> plot x
    gnuplot> set out
  • Symbols: 150 degrees (angle) is
    150{/Symbol \260}
  • Symbols: The Greek symbol theta is
    {/Symbol q}
  • The Greek symbol gamma is
    {/Symbol g}
  • A dot over a letter (e.g. to denote time derivative, from here):
    set xlabel "~M{.8.} (M_{/CMSY10 \014} yr^{-1})" offset 0,0.5
    This sets the x-axis label to show a dot over the M. The tilde beforehand seems to tell gnuplot to put something above the M, the curly brackets after the M say what to put where. ".8" is a vertical offset, so you can change that to get the dot higher or lower, and the "." after the number says what to display (it can also be a letter e.g. {.8a}).

Mac OSX collection of useful things

  • MacPorts: MacPorts is useful for installing UNIX/Linux programs on OS X. For example if you want command-line tools for ffmpeg, MPICH, mercurial, gnuplot, ImageMagick, or just want to use plain old gv for viewing eps figures without the OS converting to PDF first.

  • sed: Sed works differents on OS X for some reason. If you want to replace text in place in a file with e.g.

    sed -i -e "s/search/replace/" file.txt
    then on OS X you will get a new file called file.txt-e (as well as the modified file.txt), containing the original version of file.txt. This doesn't happen on linux/unix, so to get around it you have to add extra double quotes after the "-i", as follows:
    sed -i "" -e "s/search/replace/" file.txt
  • LaTeXiT: LaTeXiT is a nice program that you can use beside Keynote/Powerpoint as a LaTeX equation editor. There is an input box for typing LaTeX commands, and an output box that displays a scalable PDF of the equation that you can then copy and paste directly into Keynote/Powerpoint.

Using VisIt for data visualisation

VisIt is a really powerful piece of software developed at LLNL for looking at large datasets, but it is not trivial to install, or to get it to read your data. There is lots of information on the LLNL VisIt website, from the visit-users mailing list, and on the wiki.
  • Installing: You can download the binaries, and the Mac one at least works well. But on Linux they are often not very portable, and I have found that I get a more stable installation when I compile from source. First you need to make sure you have the right libraries installed on the system; graphics acceleration development libraries are important (e.g. Mesa/OpenGL dev. headers on linux). Also, each release has its own idiosyncracies, which don't generalise to all systems, so sometimes things need to be hacked a little.

    You can try installing with this script which I wrote. It downloads a script from LLNL to build the version of VisIt that you requested, compiles the source code in a user-specified directory, and then installs to another user-specified path. If it bugs out, you need to look in the build_visitX_Y_Z_log file, where X_Y_Z is the version of VisIt you tried to install (2.6.1 is the latest). This file should be in the compilation directory. This script compiles the serial version of VisIt.

    VisIt can also be compiled with parallel support, so that it can use multiple cpus for reading data and generating images. This can be faster for visualising large datasets. I have a compile script with parallel support enabled here; it is very similar to the serial script except that the argument --parallel is passed to the build_visit script.

    Note that I can't guarantee anything about the scripts, not even that I will help if it doesn't work (if I have time I will help). If the script fails, it is probably to do with a mismatch between your linux/unix system and the systems which VisIt is tested on, so your best bet is to write to the visit-users mailing list for help.

  • Generating movies and figure from scripts: This is very useful, especially in case you need to alter a figure slightly, or want to produce a B+W version. If you generated the figures using the graphical interface, it can be difficult to recreate the same figure again (unless you saved the session). I generally set VisIt to record how I set up the figure using the graphical interface, copy the output into a python script, and then edit the script for fine-tuning the figures. It means I can be sure that I can easily regenerate the same figure in 2 years time, if needed.

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© Jonathan Mackey 2017-2020. Last update: 2017-05-29